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Tuesday 9 December 2008

My friend Sally has been taking photos of randomness friends gatherings and randomly filming us, we have all been wearing crazy glasses, my idea with all the photographs she has taken is to make a took called spectacles, lots of people wearing these comical glasses, would be a nice humorous gift I think.

Weekend went to Lancaster, was great saw my best pals from home who have all gone to university’s in the north like me and we went there and saw Jon’s portrayal of Othello was great.

Been working on the soundtrack today, and its a lot of fiddling with things and computer gadgetry, but it’s sounding interesting, put Louis Armstrong’s trumpet playing through a filter and it sounds like an atmospheric dance thing, but its good, and I’ve been changing the tones of voices, with octave shifts and just trying to make one coherent song from like 6, but its good fun and I’m learning from the process, need to go full welly, in to something, instead of just dipping my toe in the pool need to swim and all other analogies, need to work well its never work really ha.

Tuesday 9th December 2008

Had tutorial with Jon, seem to be getting on fine as long as I keep everything coherent, and progress each idea then keep with the most successful, keep experimenting.

Yesterday evening, when I hid from my flat mates I made a piece called Mechanics it’s a film of photographed cogs slowly fading in and out, as a soundtrack I Mixed parts of Dark Side Of The Moon, with Filter Happier By Radiohead, it works its so bad to watch, and the sound adds to the experience, I want it to be projected in a huge room in a corner, fill all two walls.

This room will be called Mixed Messages and time, the poem on filter happier is read by a voice that sounds very robotic like Microsoft Sam, and I’ve overlapped sections to create new messages. Want to get an old plastic grandfather clock and cover it in cogs and melt it all together, so it looks all junk yardish, and put it in the opposite corner, maybe with mirrors dotted about, shall experiment if it looks better just alone, shall do tiny experiments with models then scale up with images in photo-shop, see which looks better, then work progressing this idea to a really disturbing film.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

This Week I have been watching lifts, filming the awkwardness, and singing in lifts and getting peoples reactions, also have been animating collages.

Friday 28 November 2008

Incredible, him at glasto on Youtube im sure, no joke I think he's a treasure, so should I speak of going to the Cinema?. Saw James Bond was alright, then had chinese.
Have finished 40 collages in 4 days to be the visuals to the music made from my 40 favourite sound's, this idea is from Tom Waits interviewing himself, which connects to waiting for waits, I end up repeating myself, and not knowing what i've written shall read back.

So Liverpool Biennial was great have spoken in Journal about it and the artists that I liked, some great stuff. lectures today were about thinking about things new ways and battling blocks, which I don't have a problem with, and think I can get round blocks but it was very useful. Then in the big lecture spoke on suffering which I shall speak about fully in Journal as I found it interesting and had a great though pretty grotesque seminar, about bodily harm and why do we feel we need to see suffering, shall speak on in journal, this is just a taster I guess, as long as I edit it properly and read it all through and review it.

Thursday 20 November 2008

I have just been doing my laundry and have time to kill. So here is what I'm going to do. Experiment with Collages fill up whole book in a quick time, then practice animating collages with all my recorded conversations as a soundtrack, have a musical soundtack made from Tom Waits 40 favourite noises, which is quite ambitions.

My Main Influence for my experimenting with collage is Osbert Parker, he is very original, his piece
"Film Noir" was nominated for awards and is very original mixing cut and paste techniques with live action animation.

I'm basically combing the techniques of Osbert Parker and Christian Marclay to create something new, my main final idea is so ambitous that im just practising with abstract collage. influenced by Robert Raushenburg or Kurt Shwitters.

But my main idea shall still be linked to conversation, I shall get my friends to dress up as icons such as david bowie, Bob Dylan, Prince, Elvis and photograph some party scenes in the sand bar, with pop stars playing the piano getting drunk, etc. Then with the photographs collage on top then layer and layer and layer to make a coherent working animation, like showing a piano on fire, bowie dueting with dylan, then as a soundtrack make it from interviews from all the stars over the top of each other so it sounds like a party, sounds coming from all over the place, so you here wierd aspects of conversations. That shall be an after christmas idea. But im progressing and practicing at the moment, and can change and develop the party idea, by doing story boards, but want it to be more spontanious than planned, but if it doesn't work then planning won't be a problem so as long as I do it in a way that doesn't drive me insane, then its all good.

Saturday 15 November 2008

Tom Waits

I have about four projects going on so I don't get bored, a satircal collage project, that is just letting me get my ideas in to a book in a interesting way, then I have a diary that is different to this because I speak about most things basically everything that is on my personal map, shall soon enough be covered.

I have an assemblidge that is just a memory board of collections, like I have taken apart a musical keyboard that was broken and all the circuitry shall be attached on this board then I have found some parts from a old guitar that was given to me, and that will end up on there also, then some toy soldiers and news articles, I shall photograph it every month or so , to see how it has progressed then, Do a review at the end of the year, I am hopeing it could be a 3 year project that I work on it as I please so its just a get away from things, then at the end When its completely full and documented in a photograph I shall burn it and film it burning, kind of showing getting rid of old a new beginning, but I have all the memories in a nice book of photographs, maybe recycle a falling apart book.

Lauren on the course has made her drawing book, out of an old book and is just filling it with all sorts looks great, if i use the same idea but maybe a more refinned version could look good enough to publish maybe.

My main project is about conversations and is linked to Waiting for Waits, which is using all sorts of interviews of Tom Waits and making a film from all these interviews and live performances, almost like a film portrait of one of my great influences, such a beautifully bizzare poet and imaginary musician.

At the moment I am recording bus journeys, taxi rides any other activity on a dictaphone and then writing down all the wierd things that have been said, then I shall make new conversations and record people reading the new conversations. With these conversations I shall do a bit of a phone jacker, and call two people up on two different phones and put them together, and put them both on loud speaker and record the wierd conversation there having, then play it back to them then record it, then work in a loop could make lots of layers then play in an empty room with just a telephone.

This is influenced by Christain Marclay, when he made a film called telephones, from all scenes when theres telephone conversations in films and he collaged it together to make a wierd abstract conversation.

The Way Young Lovers Do

Here is a piece of my work I shall work similary to this progressing the idea doing it all in time, music using lots of different ideas with painting to music and search for the man painting to music if the link below doesnt work

Monday 10 November 2008

An idea to make the blog more interesting was to make it like an adventure, like an indiana jones tale.
An idea to make the blog more interesting was to make it like an adventure, like an indiana jones tale.
Today I have had a very productive, cross class critique, I have a clear idea what I will be getting on with. I have basically been having fun on Mac doing illistrator things, to get a image to use for Screen print induction on thursday, shall finish that tommorow, got home ate lots of ice cream now feel quite ill, need to crack on with these essays aswell, but there hasn't been much in the reading that has jumped out at me il have another look through and start doing it. I'm only filling this in, because we've been told to, and if people are reading it, please its dull, its just archiving day to day activities, the interesting diary is written on a whim and is much more interesting as it has twists and turns and I go on many a tangent.