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Saturday 26 February 2011

Monday 14 February 2011



Today I entered Bloomberg New Contemporaries, with some films and prints. Realised last night that all I want to be is Nina Simone, One of those people that sits at a Piano and sings there heart out, with a talented backing band, but as I am on a visual arts course, I will combine it all together some how.

Berlin blew me away:

Highlights, Hamburger Banhof, Cory Archangel, Tuchelles, (Artist squats in Mitte) the bar near by Cafe Zapata. We met some lovely strangers at DR Pongs and after that they took us to the best worse club in Berlin, the name escapes me, but it was exactly what I imagine the less cool part of Berlin would be, we went to some Brilliant underground clubs, and bars and resturants, a resturant which stole the show was White Trash, it was a pirate ship, our tables light fitting was a blow fish, food incredible.

KW Gallery This is actually better than the exhibition, which was four floors of the same thing, the ground floor was the most minimalist living experience, you could have, was great, but then the diagrams and models, and all felt clinical, and it didn't appeal to me, if the original buildings were in a gallery of different things it probably would have been ace. but was all repeatitive.

The Museum of things blew me away, I love cabinets of curiosity, and seeing history of gadgets, and momentoes, the way it was displayed aswell, was brilliant not to cluttered, gave me an idea about A cabinet of cameras, all taking your photo at the same time.

So in the past I have spoken about my blatant use of found material and love of Christian Marclay, he in some similar way be a bed fellow of Cory Arcangel.

He takes popular culture, and subverts it, so auto-tuning Jimi Hendrix, which in some eyes would be sacreliguos, he is a mischevious chap, changes The piano playing cats on youtube, collages them together to play a piece of music, similar to Video Quartet by Christian Marclay, but in away more of today showing trends and crazes, and changing them to do the polar opposite.

BRILLIANT was to see the History of the artist squats.

And the photo booths, pretending we actually like each other, we do, how ever a room of smelly boys we are no doubt going to annoy each other, oh the smells.