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Thursday 29 April 2010


We have a COMPERE tonight in the form of one of our previous guests, the unique EDWYN BUTLER. He'll be giving us just a hint of the captivating histrionics he displayed during his full set for us back in March before each act.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

A Week of recovery and Discovery.

Bon Iver did it, when your heart broken write loads of songs, so I did, a week inside, in solitary only eating toast not shaving or washing, not really speaking to anyone, then it hits you, that your sense of meloncholy is caused by your self, you move on from that relationship. Realise and relish in the fact your still friends, how ever the music and lyrics you have written may actually be incredible.

So thats where I have been I have been writing poetry and music daily at least 4 pieces a day maybe more maybe less, and debuted all this new work at Paradox at islington mill, getting quite merry with poets, the wine was flowing, I think realising that I always have to be expressive, I can't be a robot, I'm quite vulnerable, my performer is an alter ego a confident extravert, though most of the time I am shy.

I wanted to express, these feelings, in a powerful way, so singing acapella, silenced the room in Islington Mill, they listened to every word, the honesty, surprised people, and its funny how a glass of wine and poet friends, really make you go " Man your last piece really spoke to me".

I have become a regular at poetry meet ups, I think its because I respect them, there intelligence, a lot of there indiviguality there love of the written word, and there understanding and grasp of rythm, they were such a support.

I have been recording really rough demos, for what I'm going to be doing for Mill 24, all my odd experiments, harmonious music, chaotic films, making music from chaos, will be fun, a lot of planning and rehearsal involved, it is my most ambitious project yet, its like a theatre piece, all sorts of different elements, a story. like a really low budget Blue Man Group.

I have been thinking how to contact Jesca Hoop, her music is similar to mine and she is a little odd like me, shes currently touring around the world but is based in Manchester, I will pass her a demo, when its done. she has a typical beautiful voice, but its dark and amazing, she is supported by all sorts Guy Garvey raves about her so invited her on tour. now shes making waves.

I am going to get involved with Debt records, run by a very nice fellow called John Louis, his band Louis Barrabas and The Bedlam Six are incredible, this is the label for me, local just a good community, they'll like this new stuff.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Edward Butt Interviews Edwyn Butler.

For the video, project I though I would address my work of studying other characters and performance, by doing a performative stunt of interviewing my alter ego, it will involve clever editing, and should hopefully explain why I do what I do.

I shall include film clips of my performance at Islington Mill, and ask why did you do these collages, read lines from Poems and ask confrontational questions.

Try and make it honest.

I have been organising the music for the Noise event, I shall explain. We wanted our 2nd year show, to be something different so I arranged for two critically acclaimed musicians to perform, and my good Friend Fiona Brehony (who performed extracts of David Bowie The Musical that she is currently writing), she was so good strange and engaging.

There was a problem, we weren't allowed to use Noises PA, incase we broke it, so I went to pick one up from my very Kind friend Lois's studio, I had the help of two volunteers and we picked up the wrong speakers, apapters and all sorts. So because of this mis hap. we were an hour behind schedule, at 8 o clock a sucurity guard started pushing people out of the building whilst Eleanor Lou, was still performing this annoyed the management of Eleanor, and can imagine she was annoyed also, The volume couldn't be loud because of next door complaining about Noise, Ironic the place called Noise and there not allowed to be loud, so anyway I got annoyed by it and just had it loud the lady was annoyed also, but to be honest I got so fed up of mis communication not being told it had to be quiet, have to load around speakers, the acts were all great.

Louis Barrabas, was incredible,
Eleanor Lou also incredible
Fionas performance was delightfully strange.

I was so exhausted had to leave the after party early.
I thought some of the work at our degree show was great.