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Thursday 14 April 2011

My Kid could paint that.

Part of my play is going to be called Marla, and will be an investigation in to the whole tale of the art world, being scammed, by a four year old, the emails in the film are hilarious.


I am using a piano filming the delivery, filming playing making a performance of changing it. and inviting all these brilliant contacts I have made recently.


Common / People - a William Shatner, Kirk & Spock slashup

Show in the Shower: Cobol Pongide in Destinazione esoplanetaria

Made contact with Eric Schnieder what a contact to have!

He wrote the book on toy instruments has exhibited world wide brought to my attention

Which is possibly the most adorable sound I have heard, I joined the facebook group, which has other sound enthusiasts playing with toy instruments. We have been sharing emails about the dream to do a toy orchestra, I wonder how much it is to book out the bridgewater, MIF council and Arts council will love it I am sure!!!!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

A toy instrument jamborie

I have contacted Eric about my little dream of a toy instument orchestra and getting the Modified Toy Orchestra involved, and we could arrange it to happen and apply for funding and pitch it to the Arts festivals would be amazing!