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Saturday 28 February 2009

I never mentioned Kites.

We went to Glossop on Thursday, to celebrate the philosopher Liechtenstien, and I think I have got his name wrong there,and it was great day, Ryan and Lucy made a beautiful recycled Kite whilst me and Adj faffed with a £3 one from ALDI, then when we got back to a pub had a little performance, from Patrick who did an amazing Monolouge, and James did a soundscape with his guitar and pedals, very talented. My pals got me to do something, and got lots of kind words afterwords, did a couple of covers, but need to gig alot more write more, If I don't sleep I could do all sorts and everything, because theres potential, apparently.

Kites and how I need to get on with things.

So I've been saying i'll make this book on how to survive awkward situations make it my main focus. But all I have been doing is making to do lists and going galavanting with pals.
I visit galleries, like today went to the Subversive Spaces exhibition at The Whitworth, had lots of interesting work from really currentish film makers like Gregor Shnieder film "Kinderzimmer". Which was full but shall get along to, and all the Dali, and Magritte work, nothing really stood out to me really the Douglas Gordon piece was very interesing, and hes a huge influence so I lie, that was great was all about anxiety and hysteria, was shown in i'm not sure you'd call it his signature way, but he uses the two screens at angles with back projects so you can watch 4 screens showing different imagery, very interesting.

Anyway, so I've been having a panic recently. What is the point in contemporary art?, alot is suppose to challenge which is great its always good to learn but ifs its baffling confusing or down right pretentious, then why?, I love to make a spectacle that is suppose to amaze the audience, like performance or a illusion or a new invention I think thats why I do what I do, because hopefully one day, Il get my act in to gear and amaze.

So as soon as this essay is written Im going to make the Book, edit all this blog and concentrate whole heartily in doing the book, Im still going to attempt the Tom Waits film will probably be a performance if I show all the stages in progression like some sound art, the editing experiment, the conversation, my word I'm ambitious, at the final show Il do some acting as Tom Waits with people be really awkward in Cafes. chat to a stranger. and get a pal to film all these random experiments.

Monday 9 February 2009


I won't make a book but will use old sleeves to make new images for my demos screen print them, collage them, got a great image here that im gonna use for the song Surgery it fits to the odd childish lyrics. The idea of buying random ones just cos you like the look of them will still continue to broaden my knowledge but need to go to lots of random shops. Just forget what people consider good and think about what I actually like. Wax on Wax Off, heres the website

Innocent vision.

The essay i'm currently researching for is about innocent vision the question is Can there be such a thing as “innocent vision” with out interest and intentions? which is a mind boggler.

Go to Oxfam

All the new clothes I need I shall purchase from oxfam, apart from pants socks and shoes, I started the wax on wax off project today, just buying records by album art gonna make a book with them, called To Judge an LP By its Cover... and have a colection of them, with the underlineing heading some of the worst records you'll ever witness, but with the best album art, its very strange because its such a discovery of music I would never listen to usually, and alot is pap, but im hopeing I uncover some lost gems, I think I'm researching for projects in un usual ways to get a fresh light on things, I love finding out about artists that miay be relevant or might not be at all, I have a book I bought at the cornerhouse sale, a book full of painted portraits of western and easten celebrities, famous people, people from history etc, and the artists friends, the way that the artist has painted them, has made everyone from bill gates to George Clinton to look slighty easten, its a great little book, Each person that I don't know anything about that I think would be worth looking in to I shall and then write a little blurb on the back on each picture, this could all be little research things for me so I end up being as much a fountain of knowledge as I am a fountain of nonsence at the moment.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Wax on Wax Off.

Influenced by Radio 1 Colin Murray show, buy a record you've never seen or heard before just buy it because you like the cover, completely turning the idea of don't judge a book by its cover on its head.

It will make you listen to things you wouldn't usually hear. The records I buy I will recycle the sleeve, collage my singing name or band name over it then photocopy it and screen print it on to CD sleeves, a nice little project, have it pictured in my mind what I would Like them to Look Like. Its been done before but hey, It'll be different when I do it.

Another Idea I had which is my little notebook of ideas, which is bursting of odd thoughts is to find as many Edd Butt's I can and make a Photography book of them or use there identity for secret identity in some music project maybe. Abit like the secret Identity of Burial and Banksy.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

There is No sence without Nonsence.

A famous composer once said, and studied this fact, studied the absurdity of the human condition, wondered why so much in the world had to be black and white, he didn't believe this fact looked at every under lying layer, why people work, the work people do, the evils of the corperate consumerist world, his name is Alfred Brendel, a fabulous piano player, but also a thinker the culture interiewed him and his favourite subject in the world, is the nonsence in the world.This got me thinking why do I do what I do, where did it all start. Why was inclined to sing, I'm presuming church, guitar was probably to attempt to impress peers, and art was self indulgent, well was it isn't anymore. I've got some ideas for books, combining my love of poetry with illustration, my pal Ryan, is doing this maybe a combined project at some point because our work is so different, so could be interesting.

Another idea I have is i'm going to make a little humourous guide called "how to survive awkward situations" basically do How to guides on peculiar things, using clips from public safety films then collaging new ideas on top, take own photographs, possibly Il do this after my ambitious waiting for waits Tom Waits talking to Him self, thinking that could be a combination of a little performance me as Tom Waits in a waiting room, combined with old film clips not sure how il develop that in my Big Book taking screen shots as I go.

Monday 2 February 2009

Coherant studies

I'm going to be far more coherant I'm going to concentrate on the Tom Waits project, so its him talking to him self answering his own questions, like hes talking to himself I have a vision of it inside my head, so breaking that loose will be hard work, but the end result should be very intrigueing indeed, after that Hazel had an idea im going to mull over about making a little guide to awkward situations could be a very amusing publishable book, with extracts of little, like use slides that have been used for public information films and change them, maybe combine that with making album art work later in the year.